
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:49:48

我的专科学习和本科学习都在杉达大学这所作为中国最好的民办大学之一的学校内进行的。很幸运的是在高等数学,与经济学方面的学习过程中我们学校使用的是柯林亚当斯(colin adams)与曼昆(Gregory Mankiw)先生所写的教材,他们诙谐的叙述口吻令那些抽象而复杂的理论变得贴近生活,生动有趣。通过这些课程的学习不仅令我获得了良好数学逻辑推理能力与对世界经济的洞察力,也令我对经济与金融领域产生了最初的兴趣。

在老师的推荐下,最初我会经常上网看曼昆的博客。随着了解的深入,为获得更多世界一流的经济学者的真知灼见,我也成为了金融时报,泰晤士报和经济学人的热情读者。通过对这些优秀文章的阅读,我惊叹于那些作者们对金融与经济领域惊人的预见力 与洞察力,也令我真正地开始痴迷于其中。每周我都花费一定时间在图书馆看一些与金融学、经济学理论方面有关的书籍杂志,有时候也会看那些相关作者的传记,这会使我觉得他们的那些深奥理论显得更为亲切而易于接受。对于那些让我觉得难以理解的问题,我常常会求助于相关课程的老师以求答案。也正是因为这个原因,随着和老师交流的不断深入,我和另外几个同学最终得以有机会参与到我们国际金融老师学术论文的翻译过程中去,而这位老师后来成为了我们商学院的副院长和我的推荐人。



Great Adam Smith’s choice into Economics makes him not only an outstanding moral philosopher but also a person of legends with great contribution to human development and a person who is respected by the descendants as father of modern study of economics. Today when I have to make decision about my future development, I realize that my choice is also decisive to who I am to be several years later, while the study background, experience and interests during my university life have decisive influence on the choice that I’ll make.

My college life is in Binda University, which is regarded as one of the best collectively owned universities in China. Luckily we received advanced mathematics and economics education based on Colin Adams and Gregory Mankiw’s writings. Their humorous detailing makes abstract and complex theory vivid and interesting, close to life. Such courses not only give me vision into the world economy and good logic and reasoning a